Pedro Download


Kevin Garwood I'm the main developer on the project.
Norman Paton Norm is responsible for most of the overall management and for being a sounding board for technical issues.
Chris Taylor Chris spent months going from lab to lab talking with people about what they might like in a proteomics model and what they might like in a data entry tool. He started out working for Norman's group but has since moved down to the EBI to work with Weimin Zhu.
Steve Oliver Steve is the overall P.I. of COGEME and has ensured there are biologists who will give feedback on the the product.
Andy Brass Andy was the first person to think Pedro might apply the the environmental and toxicogenomics world. He also told me Pedro could be a useful data entry tool for a Liverpool-based project involving cattle-based trypanosomiasis.
Norman Morrison Norman works in Andy Brass's lab and has spent years involved with MAXD, another fine Manchester product. I worked with Norman to start using Pedro to capture the MIAMIEnv data model.
Chris Garwood Chris works on the COGEME group here as well at Manchester University. One day my brother and I were yapping over a curry when he asked whether Pedro might be used for modelling clinical domains. He later took models produced by UCL's Dr. Dipak Kalra and rendered them with the tool. His work was later showcased at the December 11th National E-Science workshop entitled: Integrated Patiend Records: Problems and Solutions Workshop. He used his work as the basis of a test plan for the application. He is investigating how the tool can be used with the NGRL's phenotype models.
Kai Runte Absolutely top notch developer who is currently rewriting Pedro's way of reading XML Schemas. He works with Chris Taylor and Weimin Zhu at the EBI. His feedback on Pedro's design is greatly improving the code base. His work should be integrated into Pedro v1.5.
Chris Wroe Chris was the first person to apply Pedro to another domain. He works on the MyGrid project and used the tool to model bioinformatics services. He made some suggestions of how to improve the tool that have since been implemented.
Helen Hulme Helen works with the Brass lab at the University of Manchester and has provided much feedback on usability issues for Pedro and has acted as a tester.
Helen Parkinson Helen has been very helpful in putting forth suggestions for how Pedro should provide controlled vocabulary services to the end-users. She has also evaluated the product from the point of view of a data repository manager.
Phil Lord Phil has been a good sounding board off an on for a variety of design issues. He's also been testing the code base by trying to integrate it with the MyGrid code bundle.
Nick Drummond, Matthew Horridge, Hai Wang These guys have provided good input about how Pedro might show referenced objects to end-users. I'm trying to use some of their suggestions to make release 1.6.

(c) 2004 Manchester University